Research articles
Mesoscale chromatin confinement facilitates target search of pioneer transcription factors in live cells
Wang Z, Wang B, Niu D, Yin C, Bi Y, Cattoglio C, Loh KM, Lavis LD, Ge H, Deng W (2024). bioRxiv.
Lineage-tracing hematopoietic stem cell origins in vivo to efficiently make human HLF+ HOXA+ hematopoietic progenitors from pluripotent stem cells
Fowler JL*, Zheng SL*, Nguyen A**, Chen A**, Xiong X, Chai T, Chen JY, Karigane D, Banuelos AM, Niizuma K, Kayamori K, Nishimura T, Cromer MK, Gonzalez-Perez D, Mason C, Liu DD, Yilmaz L, Miquerol L, Porteus MH, Luca VC, Majeti R, Nakauchi H, Red-Horse K, Weissman IL, Ang LT†, Loh KM† (2024). Developmental Cell, advance online publication.
See also: hematopoietic differentiation single-cell RNA-seq web portal, GitHub portal, and single-cell RNA-seq .h5 files
Liver size is predetermined in the neonate by adding lobules at the periphery
Azizoglu DB, Perez K, Zheng SL, Rahman S, Rim EY, Anbarchian T, Fish M, Loh KM, Red-Horse K, Nusse R (2023). bioRxiv.
An atlas of lamina-associated chromatin across twelve human cell types reveals an intermediate chromatin subtype
Shah PP*, Keough KC*, Gjoni K*, Santini GT, Abdill RJ, Wickramasinghe NM, Dundes CE, Karnay A, Chen A, Salomon REA, Walsh PJ, Nguyen SC, Whalen S, Joyce EF, Loh KM, Dubois N, Pollard KS†, Jain R† (2023). Genome Biology 24: 16.
Affinity-matured DLL4 ligands as broad-spectrum modulators of Notch signaling
Gonzalez-Perez D, Das S, Antfolk D, Ahsan HS, Medina E, Dundes CE, Jokhai RT, Egan ED, Blacklow SC, Loh KM, Rodriguez PC, Luca VC (2022). Nature Chemical Biology, advance online publication.
Generating human artery and vein cells from pluripotent stem cells highlights the arterial tropism of Nipah and Hendra viruses
Ang LT*, Nguyen A*, Liu KJ*, Chen A**, Xiong XC**, Curtis M, Martin RM, Raftry BC, Ng CY, Vogel U, Lander A, Lesch BJ, Fowler JL, Holman AR, Chai T, Vijayakumar S, Suchy FP, Nishimura T, Bhadury J, Porteus MH, Nakauchi H, Cheung C, George SC, Red-Horse K, Prescott JB† & Loh KM† (2022). Cell 185: 2523-2541.
See also: artery and vein single-cell RNA-seq web portal and artery and vein single-cell RNA-seq matrix files
Dach1 Extends Artery Networks and Protects Against Cardiac Injury
Raftrey B, Williams M, Rios Coronado PE, Fan X, Chang AH, Zhao M, Roth R, Trimm E, Racelis R, D'Amato G, Phansalkar R, Nguyen A, Chai T, Gonzalez KM, Zhang Y, Ang LT, Loh KM, Bernstein D, Red-Horse K (2021). Circulation Research 129:702-716.
Spatially controlled stem cell differentiation via morphogen gradients: a comparison of static and dynamic microfluidic platforms
Cui KW*, Engel L*, Dundes CE, Nguyen TC, Loh KM†, Dunn AR† (2020). Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 38: 033205.
Antibody Conditioning Enables MHC-Mismatched Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplants and Organ Graft Tolerance
George BM, Kao KS, Kwon HS, Velasco BJ, Poyser J, Chen A, Le AC, Chhabra A, Burnett CE, Cajuste D, Hoover M, Loh KM, Shizuru JA, Weissman IL (2019). Cell Stem Cell 25, 185-192.
A roadmap for human liver differentiation from pluripotent stem cells
Ang LT, Tan AKY, Autio MI, Goh SH, Choo S, Lee KL, Tan J, Pan B, Lee JJ, Lum JJ, Lim Y, Yeo K, Wong J, Oh L, Chia P, Chen A, Chen QF, Weissman IL, Loh KM†, Lim B† (2018). Cell Reports 22, 2190-2205.
Live imaging reveals that the first division of differentiating human embryonic stem cells often yields asymmetric fates
Brown K*, Loh KM*, Nusse R (2017). Cell Reports 21: 301-307.
Mapping the pairwise choices leading from pluripotency to human bone, heart, and other mesoderm cell types
Loh KM*, Chen A*, Koh PW, Deng T, Sinha R, Tsai JM, Barkal AA, Shen KY, Jain R, Morganti RM, Ng SC, Fernhoff NB, George BM, Wernig G, Salomon RAE, Chen Z, Vogel H, Epstein JA, Kundaje A, Talbot WS, Beachy PA, Ang LT†, Weissman IL† (2016). Cell 166: 451-67.
See also: mesoderm RNA-seq online portal
An atlas of transcriptional, chromatin accessibility, and surface marker changes in human mesoderm development
Koh PW*, Sinha R*, Barkal AA, Morganti RM, Chen A, Weissman IL†, Ang LT†, Kundaje A†, Loh KM† (2016). Scientific Data 3: 160109.
Efficient endoderm induction from human pluripotent stem cells by logically directing signals controlling lineage bifurcations
Loh KM*, Ang LT*, Zhang J**, Kumar V**, Ang J, Auyeong JQ, Lee KL, Choo SH, Lim CYY, Nichane M, Tan J, Noghabi MS, Azzola L, Ng ES, Durruthy-Durruthy J, Sebastiano V, Poellinger L, Elefanty AG, Stanley EG, Chen Q, Prabhakar S, Weissman IL, Lim B (2014). Cell Stem Cell 14: 237-52.
Review and protocol articles
Building human artery and vein endothelial cells from pluripotent stem cells, and enduring mysteries surrounding arteriovenous development
Loh KM & Ang LT (2024). Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology 155(Pt C):62-75.
Bridging naïve and primed pluripotency
Dundes CD & Loh KM (2020). Nature Cell Biology 22: 513-515.
Efficient differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into liver cells
Loh KM, Palaria A, Ang LT (2019). Journal of Visualized Experiments 148: e58975.
Evaluating the regenerative potential and functionality of human liver cells in mice
Tan AKY, Loh KM, Ang LT (2017). Differentiation 98: 25-34.
Ex uno plures: molecular designs for embryonic pluripotency
Loh KM, Lim B, Ang LT (2015). Physiological Reviews 95: 245-295.
Differentiation of trophoblast cells from human embryonic stem cells: to be or not to be?
Roberts RM, Loh KM, Amita M, Bernardo AS, Adachi K, Alexenko AP, Schust DJ, Schulz LC, Telugu BP, Ezashi T, Pedersen RA (2014). Reproduction 147: D1-D12.
Close encounters with full potential
Loh KM and Lim B (2013). Nature 502: 41-42.
Investigating the bona fide differentiation capacity of human pluripotent stem cells
Heng DJC, Loh KM, Ng HH (2012). Cell Research 22: 6-8.
A precarious balance: pluripotency factors as lineage specifiers
Loh KM and Lim B (2011). Cell Stem Cell 8: 363-9.